Create and Edit a Print Piece for a Listing
Select the Listing you would like to promote.
On the right hand section of your work screen, you will find the REMARKS section. Select your language, either English or French. When you click the text area under the language tab of your choice, a smaller box will appear for your text. Type your description in this smaller box. Click on the Check icon (xx image here) to upload that new text.
TIP: Prepare your description in any text program and simply copy and paste to this section. There is a 1,000 character count maximum for text, but note that 1,000 characters might a be a lot more than you might want for your promotional piece. Give yourself time to edit.
TIP: Name your promo pieces so you can easily find it later. You might want to start a system for yourself, for example, by labelling it with the address and type of material, as in 123MainStreet_feature