ClientClick HelpWebsite BuilderContent / NavigationAdding Content from the Article Library

Adding Content from the Article Library

ClientClick offers an article library with a wide variety of professionnaly written Real Estate content. You can choose from this library to add more content to your website. However remember that original content will always be more valuable for Search Engines versus already existing content.

1. From your ClientClick dashboard click on 'Edit My Website'

2. From the 'Page' menu on the left hand side, click on 'Edit'

3. Click on 'Add Chapter' and 'Done'

You will change the name of the 'New Chapter' and 'New Page' after you have selected the article

4. Select the 'New Page' created from the 'Page' menu and click on 'Add Article' from the 'Builder Actions' window

5. Choose a 'Topic' from the Article Library and click 'Find'.

6. Select an Article to preview it and click 'Insert Article'

7. Now that you have the theme/title of your Article you can rename the 'New Chapter' and 'New Page'. Click on 'Edit' from the 'Page' menu on the left hand side

8. Click on the word you need to rename and edit it, then click 'Done'

9. Make sure to Save your changes in the Builder Actions palette and go to step 4: Publish

Feel free to Preview your changes before saving and publishing

10. Click Publish to make your changes live