Create Links in a Text Paragraph

Links, whether they are just a clickable word or a button, are a very convenient way to direct visitors to additional content, without overwhelming them with too much information at once.

You can have a URL link, which is the website address that you can click on. You can have a text link, which is when you choose a word in your text and you make it clickable. Finally, you can have a button link*.

*available with the following templates: Tiles, Panels, Collage, Duo

1. From your ClientClick dashboard click on 'Edit My Website'

2. Select the Chapter and Page you want to add or edit a Paragraph

3. Locate your Paragraph and click on it to open it

We strongly recommend you to use the Button link if you have only one link to create in your Paragraph.

Button will only be displayed with templates Tiles, Panels, Collage, Duo. Other template will display a text link.

Link URL: paste here the website address of the source you are linking to. We recommend you to copy paste the address from your web browser's address bar (when you paste make sure it starts with http://)

Link Text: type here the 'call to action'. Tell your visitors what to do. For example: click here..., find out more..., etc

Use the Text link if you have more than one link to create in your Paragraph or if you want to make a specific word clickable.

3. Paste the URL (website address) of the destination page in the 'URL' field

4. Go to the 'Target' tab and select 'New window' from the drop down menu and click 'OK'

New Window will open the link in a new tab/window on your visitor's web browser, without making him/her leave your website.

Because you are editing in a text Paragraph you can format the links you have created to your liking. Make them bold, italic, center them, change their size, etc. The formatting options are circled below.

4. Make sure to 'Save' your changes in the 'Builder Actions' palette and go to step '4: Publish'

Feel free to Preview your changes before saving and publishing

5. Click 'Publish' to make your changes live