Create a Download Link
When sharing documents (pdf, text files, etc) on your website you might want to have them seemlessly embeded within a Paragraph box rather than using the Related Files feature. For example you could make your monthly newletter/report available on a page for download, so people outside of your mailing list can still have access to these information.
1. From your ClientClick dashboard click on Edit My Website
2. From the 'Page' menu on the left hand side go to the page where you want to create your links
You can also create your own Chapter/Page by clicking on the red Edit button at the top of the Page menu
3. Click on 'Add Paragraph' from the 'Builder Actions' palette
4. Select 'Related Files' as a paragraph type and click on 'Upload a File'
5. Select your file then click 'Open'
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each file you need to upload
6. Rename the file 'Description' if needed and click 'Done'
7. Click on 'Preview' from the 'Builder Actions' palette
8. Click on each uploaded file to open them and get their URL
9. The file will open in an another window. Select the filename in the browser address bar and copy it.
You can also right-click on the file and select "copy link" or "copy link address" from your right-click menu. (see below)
10. Go back to the Site Builder page (Step 3: Edit Content) and click on the 'Related File' box
11. Now change the paragraph type to 'Text Only' and enter a 'Subtitle'
12. In the 'Body Text' type a description for the files you are sharing and select the word or sentence you want to make a link from. Then click on the Link icon
If you don't want to create a link you can directly paste the URL within the Body Text and jump to step 15
13. Go to the 'URL' field to paste the file's URL
14. Go to the 'Target' tab, select 'New Window' and click 'OK'
15. Finally click 'Done' and you should see a preview you paragraph with your links as below
16. Make sure to Save your changes in the Builder Actions palette and go to step 4: Publish
Feel free to Preview your changes before saving and publishing